Qeshm Island

Whether you are watching the sun set over the gulf, scrambling over the ruins of Portuguese castle at Hormoz or just dropping down several gears to the ultra-relaxed pace at which this part of the world operates , you can’t escape the fact the Persian gulf offers a different experience to the rest of Iran. There is geographical contrast- the coast and islands of the gulf itself- but the major difference comes from the variety of people who live here.

The largest island in the Persian Gulf, Qeshm is a duty-free zone, but in a gulf increasingly full of gleaming skyscrapers it remains refreshingly attached to the age-old Bandari way of life. If you’re after an authentic island experience, Qeshm won’t disappoint. Here, locals wear traditional dress, live in houses cooled by badgirs (wind towers) and work in boat-building yards turning out lenges, the large wooden cargo boats that have criss-crossed the gulf for centuries. A mountainous island in 22Km from Bandar abbas with a large rocky and beautiful coast. It is the largest island in Persian Gulf. There are various types of birds and animal species that some of them are pelicans, Deer, Snakes and scorpions.

The most important attractions of Qeshm are the famous Portuguese Castle which is in the north east of island, the charming village of laft at the end of the road that continues west from Qeshm town, Kharbas village, mitra temple and etc.

Perched on a rocky slope overlooking the Khoran Strait, Laft has a wonderfully photogenic roofscape of badgirs (wind towers) and minarets.

Harra Sea Forest, also known as Mangrove Forest, is located on the Southern coast of Iran, near Hormuz Island. It covers an area of approximately 20 km.This forest is one of the most amazing natural forests in Iran. The interesting fact about this forest is that the roots of trees are in the sea. These trees are called Mangroves. If you want to go deep inside this magnificent forest, you will need a boat which is available for rent. That being said, getting to this beautiful forest could be a journey itself. It is definitely a must-see for nature lovers.

Hengam, This lovely island off the southern coast of Qeshm is surrounded by impressive soft-coral reefs that offer great diving. Hengam is also known for its wildlife, including birds, gazelles and dolphins.

Valley of Stars in Qeshm, Iran greets you with its titanic rocky figures and winding bone-shaped corridors. Although the valley of stars presents gripping sights during the day, you have to wait till the sunset to meet its full glory. There are so many stars in the night sky of the Stars Valley that it seems like the biggest firework of all time!

Another mesmerizing natural spot in Qeshm is Chahkooh Canyon, If you love nature, Chahkooh Valley is a must see on Qeshm Island. If you don’t love nature… I still think it is a must see. Chahkooh, meaning “Mount Well”, is a valley in which after rainfall water would flow through. So the locals created wells in the bottom of the valley, hence the name Chahkooh. The valley may be dry nowadays, but the beautiful creation of nature makes a good walk; or even a good climb if you are up for it!

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