
Hamadan is the capital city of Hamedan Province of Iran. Hamadan is believed to be among the oldest Iranian cities and one of the oldest in the world. 2500 years ago, Achaemanian dynasty had authority over more than half of the ancient world and Hegmataneh was one of the two capitals of this imperial world. Darius I after the inscription of Bisotun, carved his second inscription for the posterity on the rocks of the Holy Al-Wondwokh.

After him, his son Xerxes I, inscribed the same mentioned inscription with some small Changes on his own name. The inscriptions are written in 3 columns of 20 lines in the languages of “ancient Persian”, “Elamite” and “Babylonian”. The ancient Persian language is on the left of both tablets and has a width of 115 cm; This beautiful monument is located in 5 km southwest of the historic city of Hamedan and hosts historians, archeologists and nature enthusiasts by the end of the lush route of Abbas Abad to Alvand Kouh and next to Ganjnameh Waterfall.

Hamadan Museum of Natural History, It has a considerable taxidermic collection of animals and insects. The museum also has an aquarium and live fish tanks. The Ali Sadr Cave originally called Ali Saadr or Ali Saard is the world’s largest water cave which attracts thousands of visitors every year. It is located in Ali Sadr Kabudarahang County about 100 kilometers north of Hamadan, western Iran.

Avicenna was a Persian polymath who is regarded as one of the most significant thinkers and writers of the Islamic Golden Age. Of the 450 works he is known to have written, around 240 have survived, including 150 on philosophy and 40 on medicine.

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